Monday, December 31, 2007
hair on the mind
these two images were next to each other in my favorites section. it seems i have hair on my mind today.
right: abdabs, left: varya.vedeneeva
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Monday, December 31, 2007
Labels: passing notes in class
this makes me want to grow my hair back out. i just cut it friday night. damn.
image by abdabs
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Monday, December 31, 2007
Labels: passing notes in class
Sunday, December 9, 2007
out with the old
i started writing this post well over two weeks ago, but got sidetracked (as often happens). i think that posting it on new years eve is quite fitting though:
i processed film for the first time since graduating (june 06) thursday night. it sparked an avalanche. yesterday i processed 6 times in a row, officially working through half my pile of neglected film. my aim is to get through the remainder by this friday.
i intentionally threw all the film into one bowl refusing to differientiate the newer work from the older because i knew if i knew which ones were which i might never have touched the older ones. of course this made the experience of looking through the images much more difficult. very scary. i didn't even want to look at the older ones because i feel such a strong urge to move on, but then when i finally saw that some of those images were rather stunning compared to the newer ones in which none of my ideas are fully developed yet, i was rather demoralized. but over all i think the new work is headed in an exciting direction. and i still have 12 plus rolls to process so the adventure continues.
special thanks to lisa elmaleh for constantly nagging me to process my film at her house and for subsequently driving my chemicals back to my apartment (and for getting that stupid filter off my faucet). the diptych below is hers.
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Sunday, December 09, 2007
Labels: in pursuit of magic, my images, photography of note