Thursday, August 19, 2010

lisa elmaleh/ the everglades

so, it's been awhile... a long while, but i'm back with a request:

my dear friend lisa elmaleh is trying to raise funds for the next leg of her trip to the evergldes. she's been making photographs of this diminishing national treasure since 2008. i had the great fortune of accompanying her on one such trip, so this is a project close to my heart.

below is a link to a short video Lisa put together explaining both her project and her process. Lisa photographs using an 8x10 camera on glass plate negatives coated with collodian, a 19th century photographic process that is both time consuming and expensive. Every dollar helps, but if you don't feel like you can contribute, please be so kind as to forward this video along.

go here to contribute: the everglades by lisa elmaleh

more images can be found here.

1 comment:

Zoë Winters said...

Sounds like a girl after my own heart! Love that picture, will check her out! :) I see this post is from a while ago! Hope you are well! x